Do You Have an IT Business Plan?

Most small and medium sized businesses have a business plan and follow the guidelines to keep the company on track for attaining short term and long term goals. But does your company have an IT business plan? While a business plan can help company leaders stay on track for goals, an IT plan can help…

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Cyber Security for your Small Business

Small business owners have so many “hats” to wear and need to juggle so much to keep their business growing and evolving as the technology and market changes. One area that small business entrepreneurs can not ignore is cyber security. Just because a business is small and/or local does not mean it is immune from…

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Benefits of Software Updates

As computer owners we are inundated with emails and reminders to update our software and protect our computers on a regular basis. While it may be easy to ignore those calls for updates, it may be foolhardy to do so. Freezing your IT solutions at the level that it was at the time of purchase…

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Most Destructive Viruses in Recent History Part II

A computer virus is a type of malicious software program that, when executed, replicates by reproducing itself by infecting other computer programs by modifying them. As we continue to look at the most destructive viruses in recent history we remind our readers to always have the most updated versions of security protocols on your personal…

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The Most Destructive Computer Viruses Part I

It is important in many fields to take a look back and see how far technology has advanced as well as examine ways that it went awry. Recently cyber attacks have made front page headlines as they have impacted tens of thousands of computers worldwide. Viruses, ransomware and malicious hacking are becoming more common and…

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For decades firewalls have been the first line of defense in network security. Using both hardware and software, businesses find it critical to monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic from other networks including the internet. A good firewall helps screen out hackers, viruses, and worms that try to reach your computer over the Internet. Without…

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Public WiFi – A Double Edged Sword

It really is wonderful being able to conduct business pretty much anywhere you can travel. Short of being in a remote location you can find WiFi access in coffee shops, airports, hotel lobbies and many more public spaces. Unfortunately with that easy access comes the dangers of using WiFi that can be accessed by others…

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Extending the Life of your Computer

Our work and personal computers, whether it is our desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone are part of our everyday life. For some of us we are a bit addicted to it for work or social reasons. Whatever your reasons for using your technology, it probably was a major purchase costing you hundreds if not thousands…

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Data Backup Failures

Data is the lifeblood of most companies, whether it is files kept on clients, financial data for revenue analysis or documentation of current/past projects. As we have discussed before, data should be backed up on a regular basis using multiple methods. But what happens if those plans fail? What causes back ups to terminate or…

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Business Apps for Getting Organized

One of the characteristics of a good business leader, whether you own a small business or large corporation, is the ability to stay organized. If you feel like you are always searching for items or find it hard to stay productive, you may need to “tweak” your organizational skills. Thankfully, technology has come a long…

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Tips for Using the iPhone 7 for Business

In our blog last week we covered some of the positive features that the iPhone 7 has for business owners. If you own an iPhone 7 and want to use it for business and pleasure here are a few tips to get you started. Water Resistance Warning- While we wouldn’t recommend throwing your iPhone in…

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iPhone 7 and Business

If your business is often mobile, you probably are faced with using tablets, laptops and, of course, smartphones. Now that Apple has released the iPhone 7 you may be wondering if it is a good choice for your business. Here are some excerpts of what business users are saying about the newest member of the…

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