Hackers: The Good and the Bad
Between pop culture movies such as The Matrix, Mr. Robot, The Net, and Hackers, and the constant news coverage of cyber events such as the recent Equifax, Verizon, or WannaCry breaches, most Americans have a pretty good idea of what hacking is all about. But is this accurate? Are all hacking incidences bad? Let’s take…
Read MoreRed Flags for the latest Phishing Scam – “Office 365 Account Compromise”
Are you one of the 70 million active users of Microsoft’s Office 365? Since 1 in every 5 corporate employees and most federal and governmental employees use this, you are not alone if you have fallen prey to the latest phishing attack. According to the Better Business Bureau, “Scammers send an email claiming to be…
Read MoreMother Nature and Disaster Recovery
Let’s take a walk down memory lane. Remember Hurricane Sandy in 2012 when it shut down data centers in New York including servers hosting BuzzFeed, Gawker, Huffington Post, and other sites. A general loss of power in companies all over the area caused outages and loss of connectivity and ultimately loss of data. Fast forward…
Read MoreData Breach at Yahoo
Do you Yahoo? Or more accurately, did you Yahoo in 2013? Well, if the answer is yes, then you may want to continue reading and find out more about the latest breach that has hit the internet world. Chances are that if you had a Yahoo email account in 2013, you may be one of…
Read MoreAre Pop-Ups Dangerous?
Are you tired of the constant “pop-ups” on your computer every time you try to surf the web? I know I am! These pop-ups bring advertising that usually has nothing to do with the website and often tries to convince the viewer that they need some type of security software by claiming that the system…
Read MorePhysical Security – Best Practices
Safeguarding client and consumer information is a top priority, and many business owners spend countless hours researching and investing in the best antivirus, antispyware, and antimalware options out there. But while creating a great cyber defense is a good idea, it is also a good idea to make sure that you are doing the same…
Read MorePracticing Safe “Internetting”
We all love the internet. We shop, browse, read the news, network, hunt for information, and play on social media. But while we are busy doing all these things, there is always the risk of being vulnerable to a cyber crime. Do you know what to look for and what should raise a red flag?…
Read MoreYou’ve Been Hacked! Now What?
Millions of Americans have had their personal information exposed over the past ten years with thousands of small- and large-scale hacks responsible for most. Maybe you opened an email you shouldn’t have or maybe a company that you do business with was vulnerable to cyber attacks. Either way, now you need to figure out what…
Read MoreBenefits of a Monitored Network
It is always nice to know that someone “has your back”, especially when you are a busy business owner who already has too much on his/her proverbial plate. Staying ahead of security threats and potential hacks can be a full-time job, so sometimes it is best for business leaders to hand over those responsibilities to…
Read MoreKeeping Client Information Safe
Business owners and managers have quite a lot on their plate. One of the more serious jobs is keeping client information safe and secure, especially if your company regularly maintains client data that includes sensitive information. Protecting this information is not just good business but it is also in compliance with the law. For example,…
Read MoreWiFi and Your Business
We live in a wonderful world where we can get work done just about anywhere with the wonders of WiFi. Whether it is at a public coffee shop or at a client meeting outside the office, WiFi has opened up many doors to conducting business wherever and whenever. Does your business offer WiFi? More and…
Read MoreAre Your Employees Adequately Trained for Digital Security?
Employees are the heart and soul of any company. They handle the day-to-day running of the company as well as anything that is thrown their way. They are on the front line when it comes to dealing with clients and customers. In short, they are what makes your company tick. Unfortunately, employees are also…
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