Zero Trust: The Future of Cyber Security is Near

November 21, 2018 12:54 pm

Frequently on the blog, we discuss data breaches and how they impact the targeted businesses and their customers/clients. Data breaches and hacking events occur because of relaxed security architectures – currently, security has to be manually updated by an IT department. But there is a new security architecture looming on the horizon that will change the game. Read on to learn about Zero Trust.

What is Zero Trust?

Zero Trust is a security architecture unlike any other. Instead of allowing any user to access any and all parts of a website, database, or system, Zero Trust must first identify the user and verify the user’s device before deciding whether to grant access. Furthermore, this architecture will limit what the user has access to on the system.

How Does Zero Trust Differ?

Zero Trust makes a full analysis of each user, checking the user’s history, their intentions for using the system, the user’s location and timeframe, and other factors. From all this information, a trust score is assigned to the user for that specific session, which will do one of three things: grant the user limited access to the system, request that the user provide multi-factor authentication (MFA), or deny access outright. Since Zero Trust actively monitors the user during their session, it only allows (or denies) access to certain parts of the system. This makes it increasingly hard for data breaches and hacking to occur because the user doesn’t have full access to the system.

Additional Layers of Security

Zero Trust won’t replace all security measures, though. There will still be encryption and network perimeters as added layers of security. As data breaches and cloud computing are both increasing, Zero Trust is the best defense against future cybersecurity threats due to limited access.

At M&H Consulting, we take security very seriously because we understand the impact hacking or data breaches can have on businesses and their customers. We work with the IT of small to medium-sized businesses and push for heightened security measures wherever they can be afforded. If you’re interested in Zero Trust for 2019, contact M&H Consulting today, by phone at 1-(866)-964-8324, or visit our website at to talk about your choices and establish a timeline for completion. We look forward to hearing from you.

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