Benefits of Going Paperless for your Business

March 23, 2019 7:48 am

Is your business considering moving from paper to digital? More and more companies are making the move, and some are still having difficulty converting to a paperless office. If you haven’t taken the steps yet to make the switch, consider the benefits and how easy it may really be. Here are a few thoughts to consider from IT experts and businesses who have taken the leap.

In some ways you have already been making the switch without even knowing it. At this point in history few businesses send “snail mail” any more, but rather email to get fast and accurate responses. In addition, most businesses have printers with scanners that can help with the change even further. And don’t forget, many businesses probably even have a digital list of clients or customers which can help you go paperless. Keeping hard copies of reports, data and client information can be tedious and hard to access so here are a few ways that going paperless will help your company.

  • Financial Savings – According to Constellation online, “Going paperless can save on office supply costs. The average American office worker goes through 10,000 sheets of paper annually. The cost of replacing black ink cartridges three times a year for a single printer ranges from $60 to $120, while color cartridges can cost $75 to $160 on the same purchasing schedule. If you add in the cost of pens and printers and the energy required to print documents, the financial importance of a paperless office becomes clear.”
  • Improved Accessibility – Once you have switched to digital files, think of how much easier it will be to access data through a search rather than fumbling through papers and files. Having digital files means that multiple employees and multiple departments can access the same files and keep information completely updated. Real time data can be a game changer for businesses and can help provide better customer service as well.
  • Improved Productivity and Speed – Inputting data and retrieving data can be extremely easy with digital files. Not only can they be accessed within seconds but they can be updated and changed daily without a huge hassle. The speed of your office activity may increase greatly.
  • Increased Security – While security is an issue whether you are paperless or not, security online can be stronger and updated more regularly than physical protections are.

So how do you start switching to digital and away from paper? The first step will be to talk to your IT consultant or department and find out what equipment, safeguards and training your office will need. From there, you can make small changes in a step-by-step strategy. Do you need help with going paperless? Wondering what kind of IT support you will need? Call M&H Consulting at 1-866-964-8324 or visit our website.


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