3 Business Time Savers 

December 4, 2019 10:44 am

Benjamin Franklin said it best, “Time is money.” If you are like most successful business people, you are busy. Your time is worth quite a lot. Finding ways to save time then is critical, especially given the fast pace of most businesses in today’s highly tech-driven business world. Here are just three of our favorite time savers that keep us connected with our team and up-to-date on projects. 

Google Drive 

If your projects require access by multiple team members on multiple programs such as documents, slides, or spreadsheets, Google Drive can help keep all of your work open to team members. This way everyone can access the information, edit it and add to it throughout the course of the day. No more requesting a project file be sent or waiting precious minutes to get the right data to add to your reports. 

We especially like that Google Drive can be accessed from anywhere. This means that employees that travel or work remotely, can have access to all the same information as their team. Videos, are also shareable and can be easily added to digital files to presentations. 


Flex Jobs suggests their favorite time management tool called Wunderlist. They like that this time-management app can help busy users manage tasks and to-do lists. With Wunderlist, users can sync and organize schedules and calendars from a phone, tablet, or computer. The app has options to set reminders; share calendars, safe web pages, and articles for later viewing; and create notes and to-do lists for personal and work-related tasks. These easy to view task lists make your day-at-a-glance easy to manage. 

Password Management Tools 

Nothing can cause your day to come to a grinding halt faster than forgetting a password to data that you need to access immediately. Everything else stops, and the hunt is on to find out when the password was last changed and who created it. That’s why we love password managers like 1Password and LastPass. These apps can be a major time saver if you’re constantly forgetting your password or if you have trouble creating highly-secure passwords (with symbols, capital letters, numbers, etc.). These apps pop up each time you need to access an account or an area of your network that requires a password and remembers it for you. 

If time is fleeting in your office and you need to save those minutes and seconds anywhere you can, try these time savers. Check out our Facebook page where we often give tips of the trade to help your office continue to run smoothly. 


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