Protecting Systems from Terminated Employees
According to studies, about two-thirds of past employees are still able to access their past employer’s system. How could this be? Well, it seems that many times, when employers terminate or an employee leaves the company, employer’s don’t always think about the many data they have access to and don’t think to involve their IT…
Read MoreExtending your Wireless Network
We’ve guided you towards the right steps in moving or expanding your network. Now, today we’ll help you in extending your network when its wireless and you need a wider range of wifi. Before we get into the different ways to extend a wireless network, you need to take into consideration the following: your network…
Read MoreWhat is Antispyware?
In order to fully understand what anti-spyware is, you must understand what spyware is and does. As we have mentioned before, spyware is a type of malware that can monitor your computer by either tracking the web pages you visit or everything you could be navigating to in order to collect any information available. In…
Read MoreInternet Security Myths (Part 2)
Welcome to the second part of our ‘Internet Security Myths’ series where we highlight myths that have been used to justify why we don’t really need to take further security precautions. Now, let’s continue with the myths… 1.“I don’t need a security system because I don’t access unsafe websites.†It’s true that many websites, emails,…
Read MoreInternet Security Myths (Part 1)
Many myths have developed over time about Internet security that has been used to justify why we shouldn’t take greater precaution when it comes to security protection. Today, we will be highlighting some of those myths in our two-part series of ‘Internet Security Myths.’ In case you thought this could be irrelevant to you because…
Read MoreWhat’s New with Ransomware?
Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. It is an access-denial type of attack that prevents legitimate users from accessing files[2] since it is intractable to decrypt the files without the decryption key. The use of ransomware scams has grown…
Read MoreWorst Case Scenarios of Backup Disasters
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. It is not what business leaders ever want to think about but it is a topic they must consider – worst case scenarios of backup disasters! What do we mean by worst case scenarios? Unfortunately, there is a long list of things that could go wrong…
Read MoreProtecting your Technology While on Vacation
Vacation! You have been waiting all year to kick back, relax and step out of the rat race for a while. You may have travel plans and are finally getting to visit the places you have only dreamed of all year. The last thing on your mind is protecting your technology. While we don’t want…
Read MoreHow Often Should Technology Be Upgraded?
When your company is busy it means that business is good and while there may be funds to do necessary upgrades, there probably isn’t enough time in the day to get it all done. Then, when business is slow, it might mean that the extra funds for upgrades has dried up or been allocated for…
Read MoreWhen Should You Change your Password?
How often does your company change passwords? Once a month, twice a year? Never? The debate over how often to change passwords rages in the tech community. Some tech experts support regular password changes to avoid hackers and deter attackers from regularly gaining access to your business files and servers, while other experts take the…
Read MoreChallenges of Ransomware
You arrive at work, boot up your laptop and desktop. Instead of your usual screen, however, there is a hostile message. “This operating system has been locked for security reasons†or “You have browsed illicit material and must pay a fine.†Usually the group who has locked your computer demands money or they will destroy…
Read MoreComputer Needs – Be Proactive Rather than Reactive
We have all worked for, or dealt with companies that seem to be in a constant state of “putting out fires.†The adrenaline rush can be fun for a while but in the end it means that the focus of a business is not on the future but rather preventing a calamity from happening right…
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