Why is My Computer Freezing?

February 8, 2019 9:07 am

Murphy’s Rule that, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong,” is terribly true. With this adage in mind, if you are working with a computer and you are desperately trying to get something done that is time sensitive, that is when your computer will freeze on you! Let’s take a closer look at how you can prevent this from happening and what to do if it occurs at inopportune moments.

Self Evaluate

As with computers that are working too slowly for your liking, it is important to take a look at how you are using the device. Do you have too many windows open? Have you been shutting off the computer and restarting occasionally? Take a close look at your practices and see if that could be making your computer freeze.

Outdated Software

You know those reminder notifications to update software that pop up on your laptop or desktop? Well, they are meant to help the overall performance of your computer. Optimizing the operations is part of those upgrades. Without them, you may find that you are moving in slow motion or even having your computer freeze up!


Where do you use your laptop or desktop? Is it getting enough ventilation? Check to be sure the fans are working and that you are allowing for airflow, or you may find that your computer is freezing up.

Hardware Failure

When was the last time you had your hardware evaluated? Your IT department can take a look to see if the freezing is a hardware issue.

Malicious Activity

One of the first things that your IT department will check for is the presence of malicious software or code that could be making your computer freeze. Keeping security programs up-to-date is one way to stop your freezing issues.

Whether your computer is freezing due to malicious activity or just how you are using it, you will need to have it evaluated by the IT department or IT support staff to maintain the speed, efficiency, and health of the device. If you have freezing issues or other IT issues, call M&H Consulting at 1-866-964-8324 or visit our website.


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