What is “Smart Hands” IT On-Site Support?

October 5, 2020 12:03 pm

If you have an on-site data center running your technical infrastructure and systems, Smart Hands IT services may present the perfect solution to your company’s technological needs. For today’s blog, let’s take a quick look at Smart Hands IT support service so that you can decide if Smart Hands is the right choice for your business.

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What is “Smart Hands?”

When your data center requires hands-on professional preventative maintenance, routine inspection, or troubleshooting, we call those expert hands “Smart Hands.” 

Smart Hands involves on-site technicians physically stationed within or visiting your business to inspect and maintain your data center and other technical equipment. These IT technicians are highly trained, versatile, and reliable, ensuring that current or potential issues are discovered and resolved immediately, without sacrificing quality care.

Large physical data centers routinely require colocation equipment management, troubleshooting, or network and server installation. These regular preventative maintenance tasks may seem overwhelming and costly but Smart Hands IT support technicians can quickly get the job done on-site, with minimal disruption to your everyday operations, reducing overall technical downtime and costs. 

3 Advantages of Smart Hands IT Services

Advantages of Smart Hands IT Support Graphic

On-Site Response and Discovery

Physical, on-site support allows qualified IT experts to get an up-close and personal look at your data centers, meaning that issues are solved with immediate response times and pinpoint accuracy, reducing potential downtime dramatically. While visiting, fixing, or inspecting, Smart Hands IT technicians can also discover and resolve any potential problems within your data center before issues occur, creating a streamlined discovery process, ensuring that your systems are running smoothly indefinitely.  

Tighter Security

Regular on-site inspections, maintenance, and equipment upgrades ensure that your protected and secure data centers from unauthorized or external threats. Disastrous shutdowns from data center breaches can potentially slow or even shut down your business operations, resulting in a lengthy and costly recovery period. Smart Hands IT services can help your business avoid this risk entirely, ensuring that your data centers are locked tight from the inside and out. 

Boosted Productivity and Reduced Costs

By taking data center maintenance or technical troubleshooting off of you and your employees’ long list of tasks, Smart Hands service allows your business to streamline efficiency without troubleshooting technological and digital tools such as computers, phones, and the network connections. Preventing frequent downtime due to data center problems will boost your company’s productivity and reduce overall technical frustration.  

If You Need Hands-On, Make Sure You Trust Smart Hands

Data centers and other technical tools are a vital part of today’s business world. With the business landscape changing and becoming more and more digital every day, you’ll want to make sure that you build your company to compete in that world. 

Smart Hands, if it’s the right choice for your business, can help you compete by keeping your data center, hardware infrastructure, and digital networks up and running consistently with careful preventative care, expert issue discovery, and boosted productivity. Remember, if you need hands-on maintenance and monitoring, be sure to pick only the most qualified hands.

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