Are your Using Your Computer Mouse Correctly?

February 28, 2018 8:22 am

It wasn’t too long ago that computer users had to first get used to using a mouse on their keyboard. The first patent for the computer mouse was in 1970 and since then these little “clicking” machines have evolved and become smarter than ever. Now with new and even more advanced “mice,” computer users can really call the tech “smart.” But are you getting all you can out of this essential hardware? Here are just a few reminders and hints about how to use your computer mouse smarter.

  • Make sure the mouse is the right size for your hand, or what should be simple movements will be slowed by an over cumbersome mouse or one that is too small for the user’s hand.
  • Get your positioning right on the mouse. Avoid scraping your hand over the desk surface. Lay your fingers over the front of the mouse almost touching the front of the desk area. Move your arm not your hand as the repetition of movement could eventually hurt your wrist.
  • Try not to “over click.” While every computer works at a different speed, allow the computer to catch up to your fingers or you may find that you have clicked on one too many items and caused a whole other problem.
  • Find the right mouse option for your work speed and style. For example, do you like the track ball that keeps the mouse stationary and puts less stress on the neck and arm? Or maybe you would like the Quill that keeps the hand and wrist in a resting position. Or, finally, maybe a roller mouse would be best that eliminated the need to reach and grip the mouse. It also makes it easy to switch hands and evenly distribute the workload.
  • Learn the keyboard command shortcuts so that you do not have to rely on the mouse for every action.
  • If you often read long documents or need to scroll down or up repetitively, consider a scroll wheel.

Have hardware questions, like what the most ergonomic items should go in your office setup? Call M&H Consulting at 1-(866)-964-8324 or visit our website at

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