The Ring Camera Hacks: What Actually Happened?

February 9, 2020 2:14 pm

You’ve most likely heard in the news about the camera hacks that have left families startled, scared, and confused. The company that’s been the victim of these attacks, “Ring”, has released information on how hackers gained access into the devices.

The attacks revolved around hackers accessing indoor security system cameras, meaning they were able to watch families in the comfort of their own home. They were also able to access the microphone, leading to some chilling and offensive comments being made to unsuspecting victims, including a 6 year old girl.

A security camera

What Happened?

The hacks began in early December when, as ABC News put it, “hackers tormented families with racial slurs, encouraged children into destructive behavior, and demanded a ransom in Bitcoin.”

The specifics of the incident are offensive, as they included a hacker making inappropriate comments to a mixed-race couple, and in a separate incident, a voice rang out through a little girls bedroom camera making startling comments.

Naturally, the homeowners and families were stunned by the sudden intrusion into their personal lives. While some of the attacks had no ransom attached, the fact that other hackers were making demands was a particularly disturbing part of the process.

How Did it Happen?

Eventually, Ring disclosed the fact that some users account information was exposed in a hack on third-party, non-Ring services platform. Hackers then gained access when those individual’s usernames and passwords were the same on Ring as they were on the external site.

Since the incidents, which garnered national news, Ring has announced an app update and a new privacy control tab, which is meant to help users have more control over the security of their devices.

A camera on the wall

What Are the Lessons to be Learned?

As with our previous blog that discussed some of the biggest data breaches of 2019, there are many things we can learn from these unfortunate incidents.

The first and probably most important takeaway here is that everyone needs to be vigilant regarding their account security, mainly with their usernames and passwords. This attack would have been prevented if the affected individuals had different passwords for all their services. But since their Ring passwords were the same as the passwords they used on other sites, hackers were able to access their accounts.

Another takeaway is to never underestimate the mind of a cybercriminal. If you get lazy in your cybersecurity, your weakness will be exploited, and your family will be at risk.

While this story is undoubtedly a disturbing one, it can and should act as a wake up call for people everywhere. Change your passwords, keep an eye on your children, and ensure you fully understand every device that’s being installed in your home.

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