The Importance of Security Patches

May 8, 2019 8:17 am

You have probably seen the windows that pop up on your computer screen telling you it is time to update your software or that a patch is available for a certain security vulnerability. It can be very tempting to hit, “Remind me tomorrow.” Our advice – don’t do it. These updates and patches are too important to ignore or put off for too long.

Honestly, it is far too easy to delay installing updates because we are busy at work. This will cause you to lose track of the work you are trying to get done. In reality, software updates that contain important security patches only take a few minutes. Updates can mean the difference between keeping the door open for hackers to access your company’s private data, and securely denying access to anyone who has malicious intent in mind.

Why the Need for Software Updates?

To Patch Security Flaws

One of the most important reasons to install software updates is to help patch security flaws. Hackers love flaws in security systems and know just how to take advantage of any weakness to gain access to your system. Malware that has been installed on your computer merely by clicking the wrong website, opening a flawed attachment, or any other number of actions can quickly exploit the data saved on your device(s). Software updates often include software patches. They cover the security holes to prevent hackers from gaining access.


To Protect the People Your Come in Contact With

You have seen it happen. One of your friends gets a virus on their computer and they pass it along to everyone on their email list. Keeping your system updated with the latest software means that you are not only protecting yourself but also friends, relatives, and business associates who have connections to your devices.


To Add New Features

While most software updates have something to do with security, there are many updates that focus on adding new, fun features, or possibly deleting outdated ones. The new feature may help your devices work more efficiently or make work more productive. Not installing means you are missing out on all the new stuff!


How Can I Manage Updates?

One of the best ways to manage these windows from alerting you at inconvenient times is to select auto-update for software on both your mobile devices and computers, when possible. In addition, keep your antivirus up-to-date and use one that offers multiple layers of security against attacks that target security vulnerabilities. Finally, do not click on links or download attachments from unknown, unexpected, or unwanted emails or messages. Always be sure you are installing updates from a reputable source.

Do you delay your updates? How many times do you hit, “Remind me later” before you realize that days and weeks have gone by? If you need help with your business security and managing updates, call M&H Consulting at 1-866-964-8324 or visit our website.


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