How Smart Technology Helps Business Management

August 10, 2018 3:22 pm

iPhone on table showing apps

Being the owner or manager of a business is a lot of work. Fortunately, there are strategies through technology that can make running your business a little easier on you. From apps on your phone to assistive technology in the office, read on to learn about what you could be doing differently in your business that will help your efficiency.
Apps for Smartphones
There are tons of apps and smartphones that allow connectivity to smart technology. Installing these apps can help you to remember to do simple things around the office, and keep yourself on track. Set timers for lights, fans, heating systems, or air conditioners. Set yourself a reminder to schedule the inventory order, or meet with your co-worker on a time-sensitive topic. The apps make it easier for you to manage your finances, energy bills, and organization.

video surveillance app

You can install smart locking systems and alarm systems that connect with your smartphone as well. Install cameras everywhere to stream from your phone, and check in on things when you can’t physically be there. Consider wearable cameras for your employees, depending on the work you do.
Amazon Echo and Alexa
These two assistive devices are perfect for the office. Set reminders, play music, make verbal lists, and do so much more with this helpful technology. You may remember the blog we previously posted about Alexa in the office. Refer back and refresh your memory here.

Amazon Echo/ Alexa

Health First
If you’re a business that cares about the health and stability of your employees, and your employees are constantly moving, consider having them download Sweatcoin. This tracks the amount of time they spend on their feet, and turns their steps into actual money! Have your employees wear a Fitbit so they can see their progress everyday. This will make them feel motivated and accomplished about being healthy, and moving about while working.

sweatcoin app screen
Apps to Schedule out Work
There are many assistive apps that help you schedule things, send work to employees, and manage your business remotely. Look into which apps will work for you business, as each of them are industry specific. This helps you keep up with what’s going on at your business when you’re not there, and allows you to send direct messages to employees or divvy up tasks/responsibilities in another way than just email.
M&H Consulting is here to help you with your tech needs. Are you still interested in the benefits of using smart technology in your business? Call us with all of your questions at (866) 964-8324 today!

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