Staying Tech Savvy in a Post-COVID World

September 10, 2020 3:00 pm

Staying up to date with the latest technological trends has transformed from personal interests to a necessity in today’s business world. This is especially true in a world plagued by the current global health crisis where entire businesses have shifted to a remote workforce, utilizing at-home technology to get their daily tasks done. As Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia, puts it, “We are in the pre-dawn of the technology revolution. The internet has won. It is an oxygen for our society. It is not going anywhere. It will become more important over time.”

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What Does it Mean to be Tech Savvy?

Oxford Languages defines “tech-savvy,” as being “well informed about or proficient in the use of modern technology, especially computers.” A simple definition, but to some, a challenging concept. Technology can be complicated, user-unfriendly, and stressful if not understood and appropriately utilized. Suppose you were not privileged enough to grow up using technology, having evolved your technical know-how alongside its rapid growth. In that case, it can be difficult to transition into a remote, digital world, but not impossible.

How Can I be More Tech Savvy?

Here’s the good news, there’s never been a better time to become tech savvy! With an almost limitless amount of resources to be found on and offline, you can start taking steps to increase your technology know-how immediately. 

Free Online Tech Tutorial Videos

If you’re a visual learner, this step is perfect for you. There are countless hours of FREE tutorials online explaining everything from changing the digital keyboard on your Android phone to building your PC. Many tech savvy content creators are energetic and enthusiastic about teaching and passing on their tech savviness, making their content engaging and relevant. 

Open Up the Manual

Okay, not everyone’s favorite step once they’ve purchased a new device or gadget, but reading user manuals can help you gain professional insight into how the technology works, not only for your device but also for similar devices. Manuals explain the full capabilities of your mobile device, computer, laptop, software, and more, and give you ideas on how to leverage those capabilities for personal or professional use, pumping up your tech savviness. 

Follow Tech Savvy Blogs, Publications, and Social Pages 

Thousands of incredible tech savvy blogs, publications, and social pages are only a Google search away. Sites such as Engadget, Gizmodo, and lifehacker create compelling content that will keep you up to date with the latest tech trends, reviews, and business dealings within the tech world. Reading a few articles in your spare time will significantly increase your technical knowledge and your knowledge of the tech business world, enabling you to predict and adapt to trends with ease.  

Learn by Doing

Sometimes the best way to learn how to swim is to dive in (with supervision, of course). Playing around with mobile devices and software in your free time is an excellent way to test out and use your new knowledge to its fullest potential. 

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Contact our Professional “Tech Savvy” Experts

Here at M&H Consulting, we’re at the forefront of today’s technology, especially when it comes to keeping small business websites up and running at full capabilities. Get in touch with our experts today. We’ll not only help explain how technology works as tools for your business, but provide the best specific solutions for your company, positioning you for success during these troubling times. 

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