Smart Technology Use For Businesses

November 1, 2018 8:16 pm

Business Conversation around laptops

We all know how helpful technology is.

Many businesses harness and utilize the power of technology to communicate with clients, research competitively, and get work done day-to-day. Almost all aspects of the business today are based on technology: computers, database systems, cloud sharing, and so many more facets lie within business tech use.

But, are these tech routines relevant? Helpful? Are they always done correctly? Are they working for business? Let’s explore smart technology use in the business.


Business employees surrounding laptop discussing


Administrating New Technology

Technology takes twists and turns so quickly, it’s hard for the average business owner to keep up. We have seen how technology can be a headache for some people who aren’t familiar, or people who are too busy to keep in the loop. Highlighting and identifying smart technology uses and tactics helps to avoid potential future issues.

When you register new technology, or download anything new (software, system, etc.), businesses should always register the technology under one uniform name. This is usually the owner’s name. It can be a CFO or COO, depending on what makes the most sense for your business.

As you may need to have more than one administrator, keep a record or a log of accounts, names, and login information. Keep this list of passwords and information safe, and located somewhere everyone who needs to access the list can get to it.


Employees being trained

Cross Training with Technology for Efficiency

Everyone has their position, and contributes as their role in the company. But when a project manager isn’t around to answer questions, or concerns come about, what happens? It’s important that everyone knows how to use the technology so your team can put their minds together to solve any issue. Cross training or spending more time teaching employees how to use all technology in the business will help with better communication among departments. If everyone working in the company knows how to work technology and can participate in the conversation, things will go smoothly.

Technology Applicable To Your Industry

There are tons of technological devices and softwares to choose from. But if you don’t choose the right one, or if you choose something difficult to learn, you may be out of luck. Assess the learning curve of each decision you make for your business. Be mindful of your clientele and the ‘outsiders’ of your business. They will need to be able to use your technology at times, if they’re stopping by or coming in for a meeting, so be sure it’s user-friendly and applicable to your industry.

For questions about technology in your business, we’re here to help. Contact M&H Consulting at 1-(866)-964-8324. Connect with M&H on Facebook, and visit our website.

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