Simple Fixes to Wifi Connectivity Issues

April 5, 2018 12:00 pm

We are so fortunate to be living in the Age of Computers. We have information readily available at our fingertips, which allows us to accomplish more in less time. Even with the seemingly perfect advent of the computer, some hiccups do occur when connecting to a wireless network at times. This can be annoying and ruin your flow. It’s even more disastrous when you can’t get any work done. I mean, computers are supposed to help us, and a wireless network facilitates this. So what is there to be done? Let’s explore some simple fixes to wifi connectivity issues.

  • Power off – If you notice a slow connection, or none at all, first try disconnecting from the wifi network on your computer, wait a minute, and then reconnect. If you’re still experiencing problems, try unplugging the power cord from the wifi modem or router, wait a minute, and the plug it back in. If all goes well, your computer should reconnect within a couple minutes once the network is up and running.
  • Placement & repositioning – If neither of the steps above worked, or if you regularly experience slow or weak wifi performance, it may have to do with the location of the router in your house. For example, if it is in the basement, it’s probably out of the way in some corner, or the signal is being interrupted by stone, concrete, and/or cement. While wifi waves can pass through many materials, doing so can weaken the signal. Additionally, the problem may be due to the position of the router or antenna – either vertical or horizontal. The waves emitted by your router have to interact with your computer. If the router is not in the optimal position (vertical when it should be horizontal, for example), the waves may not be hitting your computer right, which would explain your connectivity issues. This is called polarization, shown below. Research has shown that an extender mounted horizontally, hanging upside down from a high, open ceiling in your home lets the signal better reach the devices on the occupied floors.

At M&H Consulting, we understand how important a smooth, fast connection is both at home and at your place of work. For help diagnosing a connectivity issue, please call us at 1-(866)-964-8324 or visit our website at

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