Safe Internet & Computer Practices

November 5, 2018 1:57 pm

Did you know that 40% of computers are affected by viruses? Today, it’s easier than ever for a computer to become infected, information to be stolen, and for people to practice unsafe computer use without noticing. In this blog, we’re going to highlight some safe computer practices so you can better your experience when working with technology. You will notice these tips working, and helping you whether in the office, on a work trip, or at a meeting. Reduce your risk of running into problems by following these safe practices.

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Shutting Down
Leaving computers on for anyone to go through at the end of the day can be dangerous. Forgetting to shut down can be a risk to your information. Be sure you have a password lock on your computer.

Don’t Input Information Anywhere
Putting your information on insecure sites or submitting through insecure forms can be very unsafe. Be sure you know where you’re submitting information, and that they’re a trusted source or partner.

Recognizing Spam/Infected Links
Don’t click on anything that you don’t trust, and be sure you know where your emails are coming from. Recognize what is spam, and even purge your email once in a while to keep things clean.

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Ex-Employees/Old Admins
Leaving old employees information in your system could be unsafe for your organization. Leaving their accounts active, and not shutting down their authorization could be a risk to your business, especially if these employees left on a bad note. Be sure all information is recorded and stored properly and safely through on-boarding and off-boarding employees, no matter what the circumstance may be.

Pay for Full Versions
If you’re using programs online, pay for the full versions. This way you won’t run into problems with losing work, saving work, finishing the job, and transferring the files. When you get to a point in the project and you need use another feature of the software in order to keep working, you would hate to run into a “you don’t have the full version” situation, or an “upgrade your plan now to access this feature”.

We hope these safe internet practices help you realize the nature of the internet, and how you can recognize dangerous or insecure information.
For questions about technology in your business, we’re here to help. Contact M&H Consulting at 1-(866)-964-8324. Connect with M&H on Facebook, and visit our website.

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