Remote Mobile Assistance For Smartphones & Mobile Devices

January 12, 2014 6:15 pm

Remote access is a tool that we at M&H frequently use to provide immediate support to our clients when they have computer issues and questions. Using remote access software, we can instantly connect to our client system and resolve issues as they occur, eliminating the need for the delay and cost of travel time. But what about when you need assistance with a mobile device, such as a tablet, Android, or iPhone?

Remote Mobile Assistance

M&H frequently gets requests for remote assistance for mobile device users, either for troubleshooting miscellaneous issues, installing & configuring apps, or setting up email accounts. Generally we are able to walk users through these issues over the phone, but it can sometimes take extra time, and it can also be more difficult for the end user.


About TeamViewer

In our constant effort to improve our level of service, we have researched and tested various solutions for remotely accessing mobile devices, so that we can make this process easier for users. After finishing our testing, we have selected a solution that has been shown to be consistently effective: TeamViewer.

With TeamViewer, we can connect to, and then control or configure (depending on the type of device) a user’s device remotely. To be ready to take advantage of this support option, we recommend you pre-install TeamViewer QuickSupport on your devices now.

This is a free app that can be found in the Android or Apple application stores. Once installed, this app will generate a 9 digit device ID number. Simply open the app on your device to get your unique 9 digit ID number. The next time you need support on your mobile device, you can simply call us and give us your 9 digit TeamViewer ID, and our technicians should be able to connect directly to your device to assist you. If you have any questions about installing this free application, please don’t hesitate to email us at


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