Put Your Business On Auto-Pilot This Holiday Season

November 10, 2021 4:14 pm

It’s no secret that the holiday season, no matter what industry or profession you are in, can be a stressful time. With so much going on both in your personal and professional life, it can be hard to make sure everything is running smoothly. As a small business owner, the list of to-dos and chores during this time is endless. At M&H Consulting, we understand these difficult times and we have a way to help you.


What if it was possible to put your business on auto-pilot this holiday season? No need to worry about online transactions failing, IT breaking, or security break-ins while you are also dealing with buying presents, hosting family, and all the other joys of the holidays. Continue reading below to learn about all the ways that M&H Consulting and our team of 24/7 professionals can help take a load off this season. 


Fully Managed IT Support 

One of our more hands-on services would be fully managed IT support and computer support. Larger corporations and businesses have the capacity and resources to have a team dedicated to IT. This may not be an option for smaller businesses due to financial and budgetary constraints. We believe that every business, no matter the size, should have the same access to dedicated, professional, and fully managed IT support. We want to be your one-stop shop to help make your computer and tech system hands-off this holiday season. Contact us today for a free consultation and learn more about how we can manage your IT services.


Specific IT Management Services

Another option we provide to our clients is specific management services for various aspects of your business. This includes vendor, desktop, server, and network management. Below, we will go more in-depth as to how these services can help you. 


Vendor Management

Managing third-party vendors and service providers can prove to be a hassle to business owners. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to deal with multiple vendors, each handling a different portion of your computer services. With M&H Consulting’s vendor management service, we’ll take that stress off of your hands.


Desktop Management

With M&H Consulting’s desktop management, you and your team will be able to unlock your computers’ full potential, boosting productivity while enhancing network and security to every desktop, all at once. Enlisting the aid of professional technicians to handle your office’s desktop management allows your team to fully embrace an efficient work environment. 


Server Management

You will want to ensure that your local servers run smoothly to full capacity as one of the best ways to maintain technological efficiency. Our technicians are highly skilled in hands-on server troubleshooting and maintenance, allowing us to unlock your servers’ full potential, thus allowing your business to succeed on a technical level.


Network Management

From simple router installations to advanced firewall and security setups, M&H Consulting’s trained technicians are equipped with tools and knowledge to set up and manage your workplace internet setup. Don’t waste valuable business hours troubleshooting an outdated router or purging your network of nasty malware, especially during this holiday season. 


Disaster Recovery

In the age of innovative technology, having a disaster can create a downward spiral within the company. Building out a recovery plan isn’t only smart, it’s critical in keeping your business safe. Without a disaster recovery plan, your business’s data is under a constant threat of data breaches, and data loss. With the world becoming rapidly digital and remote, our technology is more significant and open than ever to cyberthreat. At M&H Consulting, we can guide you through building a disaster recovery plan and the important elements to incorporate. Contact us today to get started. 


Contact M&H Consulting

To make this holiday season easier for you, consider hiring M&H Consulting to handle your IT systems. At M&H Consulting, our expert technicians have the experience required to help our clients decide what works best for their company. Contact us today to get started! 

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