Preventing Data Breaches – Best Practices

March 30, 2019 7:00 am

Think, for a moment, about the vast amount of personal data your company deals with regarding clients, vendor or even employees. The Economist, an online authority on international news, politics, business, finance, science and technology, has called data the world’s most valuable resource. At M&H Consulting we agree with this assessment. Therefore, we will be spending today’s blog examining some of the best practices regarding avoiding data breaches that your company should take.

Do You Have a Data Breach Response Plan?

One of the best ways to prevent a breach, or at least mitigate the damage caused by a breach, is to have a “Breach Response” plan in advance. With more than 75% of businesses reporting some sort of breach in the last few years, it is really just a matter of time, if it has not happened to your company already. Your response plan should include:

  • Recording the date of discovery of the breach, the location and duration, what data was leaked, how the breach was discovered (and by whom), a list of affected parties and the extent of the harm.
  • Containing the breach including: alerting the security team of a physical threat and repairing the hole as quickly as possible to prevent additional damage.

Create a Policy for Equipment Use

Depending upon your company and your budget, you may provide company owned devices or allow employees to use their own. Either way, be sure that data is secured at all times. Require that technology be downloaded on each piece that will secure data. In addition, if employees are using their own devices, require that they use company specific email so IT security can keep an eye on potential breaches.

Use Encryption and Authentication

Encryption can secure private and sensitive data no matter where it is located. Insist on implementation of multiple levels of authentication. While many users find the extra layer of protection cumbersome, it can save a lot of headaches down the line.

Perform Vulnerability or Risk Assessments

Identifying internal and external threats should be a regular part of the security of your system. Threats change so often that checking should also be routine and common.

In the case of a data breach, having a back up plan in place can mean the difference between getting back on your feet quickly and struggling to repair your reputation for weeks. Be sure that backups are a regular part of your data breach planning as well. If you have issues with data breaches, get proactive and plan for your protection. Need help? Call M&H Consulting at 1-866-964-8324 or visit our website.

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