Office Equipment for Improved Health

September 26, 2018 12:00 pm

When you think of an office, what comes to mind? You probably think of a desk, a chair, a computer with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, a filing cabinet or some other organizer, and maybe some decorations to personalize the space. This is typical in most offices. While basic equipment can help you get work done, it can also be detrimental to your health. Read on for solutions to improve your health while you work:

Standing Desk

Standing desk

You’ve probably heard that sitting all day is bad for you. For the benefit of everyone in your office, it’s wise to invest in standing desks or, better yet, desks that allow the user to adjust the height from a sitting position to a standing one. During a normal workday, it is advised that you stand up or walk around at least every two hours. Getting up and away from work for a few minutes has been shown to increase productivity.

Ergonomic Keyboard & Mouse Pad

Ergonomic keyboard and mouse

After typing at your computer all day, do your wrists or hands hurt or feel sensitive? If so, an ergonomic keyboard and mouse pad may help. They elevate the wrists when working, which is a better position and relieves the joints of muscle strain.

Improve Your Posture

good sitting posture

Do you tend to slouch when sitting at your desk? Studies show that poor posture, if not corrected, can be detrimental to your health for a number of reasons, from misaligned spine and knees to impaired breathing. For these reasons, there are a number of products on the market that help to improve posture. These include a balance disk, as well as a posture correcting tool that straps to your chair and pushes on your back. Consider investing in one of these items to correct bad posture before it becomes a health problem.

Don’t let your work get in the way of your health. Investing in these items will improve your health, which helps brighten your mood and lessen fatigue, meaning you can get more work done. 

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