Moving Forward After Hacking or a Data Breach

August 1, 2018 2:28 pm

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When your business is under attack whether via hacking or a data breach, don’t panic! We know it’s a tough situation. Some people assume that hacking or data breach will never happen to them, but unfortunately, technology is imperfect. Hackers are persistent, and they do reach many people and many businesses, even very successful ones. Keeping focused and working on handling the situation is the best way to recover and move forward. Let’s take a look at what goes into moving forward after something like this happens to your business.
Recovering what you can is the first step. Analyze how you lost your information and contact your IT consultant immediately. They can help you track the issue, and see where it came from. Recovering any data that’s still untouched is important. A disaster recovery plan is good to have in place, and M&H Consulting offers this as a service. Reach out to us at (866) 964-8324 for further inquiries.

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Protection for the Time Being
Find a way to protect your data, either by moving it to an external drive, the cloud or somewhere other than the location it previously was stored. Hacking might continue if you don’t secure and protect your data for the time being.

Clients and Communicating the Crisis
Communicating the crisis to your clients can be tricky. Nobody wants to tell their clients that their secured information is now out to the public. But in the tech world, unfortunately this does happen. When you’re at this point, you can assure clients of the recovery process and let them know you have your IT consultants on it.

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Studying Crisis Communication and Emergency Preparedness
Making a plan for when these things happen is a good way to stay prepared for emergencies. Although of course we don’t want emergencies to arise, they still occasionally do. As a business that deals with clients, you need to be prepared.
Studying crisis communication strategies can help with your management style when a crisis arises in your business. Strategies include ways to communicate the situation with the clients, and how to move forward while still retaining your client’s trust.

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At M&H Consulting, we can help you move forward after hacking or a data breach. There are ways to recover, and it doesn’t have to be detrimental to your business if you go about responding correctly. Crisis situations can be stressful, but keep us in mind and remember we are here to help and support you with all tech needs. Contact us today at (866) 964-8324.

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