Most Common Support Issues

February 6, 2019 8:59 am

It may be a new year, but the same old computer issues seem to keep cropping up. Do you find that your employees are bogged down by some of the same issues over and over again? Having a great IT support team, like the group at M&H Consulting is one way to solve these issues. Another is to get proactive and learn about the most common support issues so you can either avoid them or face them head-on when they do occur. Read on to find out about some of the more sticky issues that may slow your efficiency this year.

Forgotten Credentials for Logins

It is a scenario played out in offices around the globe. Employees attempt to log in but are thwarted by a password or credential change. Many companies are good about updating logins and passwords so it is often forgotten by employees, especially after a vacation or extended period away. A good solution to this would be installing a password manager. These programs not only help keep all credentials in one secure location but can also help when changes are made by the IT department.

Printer Problems

If your business relies on white paper docs occasionally, then there is nothing more frustrating than having printer problems. Thankfully, printer issues tend to be fairly easy to solve in that a majority of the issues are technology related. Always be sure that the printer is on, including checking the cables that may have been wiggled loose. In addition be sure that toner and paper are in full stock.

Accidental Deletions

We have all done this one once or twice in our lifetime – dragged something into the trash or recycle bin and later realized that we needed it. If the document or file is only in the trash bin it is an easy fix. If you feel you have removed it from a server then stop using it until you can retrieve a backup copy of whatever you need with the help of your IT department.

A Slow Down

If you have multiple windows open or are running too many programs at once, then you may notice a huge slowdown.  Start by closing as many windows as possible. Then you may want a restart to get things moving again at a faster pace.

Getting Kicked off the Wireless

This is a common situation when a wireless system is overloaded with users. Ask your end user to check the modem and wireless to be sure they are secure, then try again.


Most IT support issues can be solved remotely or via phone or conference calls. Talk to your IT provider about how you can be proactive with minor issues to keep your office running smoothly all day long. Questions? Call M&H Consulting at 1-866-964-8324 or visit our website.

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