Most Common Help Desk Problems Solved 

August 1, 2019 7:32 am

What is the biggest cause of slowdowns at your office? Is it the printer not working? Maybe it’s slow internet or files that can’t be found. After all, Murphy’s Law states that if anything can go wrong it will go wrong. That is true for computers as well. 

At M&H Consulting we see some of the same computer help desk issues over and over again. Here are some of the most common issues with quick solutions to get you back to work in no time. 

Slow Internet 

This call is such a common problem we would classify it as a “Top Ten” call at any help desk. Slow internet can have several different causes. It’s possible that the signal is not reaching your area of the building where your workstation is located. In that case you may need a booster to strengthen your signal. Or perhaps you have too many windows or tabs open on your computer that could be slowing things down considerably. Close those to see if your speed picks up. Finally, users could have picked up malware while browsing. This issue takes a little more investigating by the IT department to find out if your computer has been compromised. 


Password Predicaments

Summer is a common time for employees who have been on vacation to come back only to find that they have either forgotten their password or that passwords have been changed for security purposes. Either way, no work is getting done until a password is recovered. Checking your credentials with the IT person can be a great place to start. Maybe your password has been changed and, in that case, you can update it. Recovering a lost password means getting an email and starting the process again. Unfortunately, sometimes ransomware can lock up your password and then you need to rely on backups to regain your data. 

Deleted Files 

We’ve all done it, deleted files by accident. If you are unsure of how to restore those files, you may need to ask for help. Just because a file has been shifted to the recycle bin does not mean it is gone forever; it can be retrieved. Here is a quick guide with three possible steps to restore files. 


Printer Problems 

Sure, the old, “Turning it off and back on again” technique is always a good first option. From there you will want to make sure that all ports are plugged in completely. You wouldn’t believe how many times wires have come loose and caused a work slowdown. After checking all wires, make sure that all printers are in the network and named properly. Sometimes just having a problem identifying the right printer is the problem. 

What are your most common help desk problems. Let us know in the comments. For your help desk needs, call M&H Consulting at 1-866-964-8324 or visit our website


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