How Long Should Your Business Tech Last?

September 6, 2016 8:00 am


With almost 28 million small businesses in the U.S. currently, these companies are the heart and soul of our economy. One major expense that small businesses need to assess regularly is the cost of the technology to run a successful business. Part of this is knowing when the technology has been outdated or has hit the end of its life cycle. Most tech savvy entrepreneurs know when it is time to retire old technology and invest in new technology for the expansion and betterment of the business. But, what if you are not a tech whiz? How long should your business tech last, and what are some signs that it is time for, “Out with the old and in with the new?”


What are the major reasons to replace computers and other office technology?

Having the shiniest and newest technology would be great but with the rate that technology is evolving, advancing and becoming obsolete it would be impossible to keep up, let alone afford. There are, however, solid reasons why computers and tech should be replaced. Here are the top reasons. . .


  • Computer has reached the end of its lifespan according to company policy
  • Computer has failed or is unreliable
  • Computer is too slow and unproductive
  • Too expensive to maintain
  • Too risky to maintain because of age and high likelihood of failure
  • Excessive demands on computer from new software or growing data stores
  • Computer or technology can not safely maintain data and company information in the wake of current threats.


How long is reasonable to expect technology and computers to last?

The average useful lifespan of a PC or server is 3-5 years. It could be longer or shorter, depending on what the computer needs to do. In addition, computer experts believe that the standard recommendation is to replace hardware after 3-4 years.


What should companies do before deciding on replacing computers or technology?

Businesses should annually (if not more often) discuss the needs of the company as it relates to technology, upgrades, security threats, software updates and the age of the technology. There should be long and short term technology goals. These annual/bi-annual meetings will help your company choose the right time to upgrade. Tech costs can vary dramatically by season, and unnecessary upgrades can increase costs without boosting productivity. In addition, these reviews can help every company stay on top of new advances that could help your business expand and grow. Do you need help making these choices? Call M&H Consulting and our technology experts can guide you in these choices.

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