Laptop Battery Life

March 6, 2018 8:49 am


With so many of us mobile today we tend to take our “office” with us in the form of our laptops. Unfortunately, far too many laptop users complain that their battery does not last nearly as long as they need it to for their work lifestyle. While most modern laptops should have enough juice to last all day, there are still things you can do to extend your laptop’s battery life. Here are a few quick tips to help you in a pinch when your laptop battery is looking low and you are fearful it may die at an inopportune time.


  • Dim the screen – Just like the trick you use to make your smartphone battery last longer, try dimming the brightness of your laptop screen. Not only is it healthier for your eyes to not have the brightness turned all the way up, but it will conserve your battery as well.
  • Bluetooth and WiFi – If you don’t need these two functions on, them turn them off. They are only using your needed battery resources.
  • Power Saving Mode – Change the power settings to “battery saver” so it conserves when you have left the laptop or step away for a moment.
  • Add memory – what amount of memory do you have to run all the graphics, videos or presentations you use for work. Consider a memory upgrade.
  • Invest in a second battery – While many laptops do not offer access to the battery to swap out a dying one, some still do.
  • Keep it cool – Heat is a battery’s worst nightmare. If you are travelling, be sure not to leave it in a hot car or a carry on during a flight. Make sure the fan is able to cool the computer at all times. This may also mean that when working on your lap that you allow the laptop to “breathe” at times.
  • Close out programs – Shut off apps and software that do not need to be on.


If your employees often travel or visit clients and you need more tips on extending the life of your laptop call M&H Consulting at 1-(866)-964-8324.

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