Is Your Business Struggling with Computer Support?

January 26, 2019 3:43 pm

When you outsource your IT needs to a consulting company, this is much more than getting help when issues arise. Unlike other tech support companies, we’re not just there to log in and troubleshoot issues with you. We don’t just install updates to perform regularly, or set you up just to leave you questioning and confused. If your business is struggling with finding the right computer support, read this blog to learn about how M&H Consulting can help you.

It’s important for us to spend time on site, working with each computer a little every month. This adds tremendous value to the health and longevity of your computer systems. It also provides a boost of productivity and creativity of your staff. When we can communicate directly with each computer user, even for only a moment, we can better maintain each system, save you money, and help you work more efficiently.



We want to answer all of your questions and solve problems that don’t always get solved through remote support sessions. If an IT Consultant is only working remotely with you, their expertise can’t be fully put to use over the phone. Sometimes issues are prevalent that everyday users won’t be able to recognize as issues. In addition, being on-site allows us to better multitask to ultimately save you time and money.

You may think that if your computers are new or updated you may not need much computer support. However, forgoing regular computer maintenance, no matter how old or new your computers may be, you’re still putting yourself at risk. When you go too long without support, it ends up costing more for time than it would for you to simply keep up with support.




In order to help companies do the right thing, and properly maintain their systems on a regular monthly basis, M&H Consulting offers substantial discounts to our hourly rate for maintenance, to make it very affordable. By taking advantage of M&H’s discounted rates and excellent service, you’ll find that you have fewer emergencies and less downtime in the long run, and when problems do arise, they are quicker and more affordable to fix since all your systems are up to date.

What is your current computer support like in your business? Are you happy, or do you feel like you aren’t getting the right support? Give M&H Computer Support a try. With low rates, great service, quick response time, and no contracts to lock you in, you really can’t lose. Contact us at (1-866) 964-8324 today.

M&H Consulting, LLC offers professional IT consulting & support for businesses in the Boston and surrounding New England areas. We are based in Natick, Massachusetts, and offer full-service technical support and development focused on all the technical needs of the small business. We are on-call to fix an emergency problem, come in regularly for preventive maintenance, review all your systems and equipment so we have the big picture to best serve you and create a technical, strategic plan.

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