Is it Time to Upgrade your Hardware?

June 7, 2019 8:08 am

 Let’s take a look at issues that arise that tell your business it is time to upgrade your hardware.

Most small businesses have a limited budget especially for buying new hardware. Most tech experts suggest replacing your devices every 3-5 years to get optimal performance. This may seem like a short lifespan, but consider the number of generations smartphones have been through in just the past few years. The tech just keeps getting better and, as a smart business owner, it’s best to try to keep up.

There are some common issues that can come up the older your hardware gets. Here are a few of them.

Security Holes

The older your technology, the greater your security vulnerabilities. Considering there are approximately 10,000 new malware threats discovered every hour, the chances that one could impact your business increases every day. New hardware has the ability to integrate with new software, which means that the latest security updates and patches can be enabled on your equipment. This translates to safer tech in the long run.

Unplanned Downtime

Downtime happens with all technology, but the older your tech, the more likely there will be an issue that needs repair. Worse yet, the downtime may end up being at an inopportune moment. Companies that are running equipment that is older than 3-5 years are going to experience much higher failure rates. In many cases, hardware failures can cause major outages without any warning. This can have a huge impact on a business’s bottom line and its ability to serve customers.

Expired Warranty

Most technology comes with some sort of manufacturer’s warranty. The older the equipment, the more likely the warranty is to be expired. This may mean longer wait times for repairs or expensive, unplanned replacements.

Lowered Productivity

As with any tech that does not have the newest software, old hardware that can no longer meet the minimum requirements for software can operate at a much slower pace. This may mean that your customers or clients are seeing a slowdown. When buying new software or updating your existing software, there are requirements that the hardware must meet. Incompatibilities often happen at the tech ages. If you can not install the new security patches, you may be looking at a whole host of other problems.

Does your office have equipment that is reaching the end of its life cycle? Do you know what to invest in or do you need help choosing what might be right for the future of your company? Call M&H Consulting for more information about what hardware might be right for your business. Call us at 1-866-964-8324 or visit our website.


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