How Tech Can Boost Productivity

October 15, 2019 11:45 am

Do you ever get to the end of a workday and ask yourself what you really got done? Did you actually check anything off your “To-Do” list or make any headway on that project? This is a fairly common phenomenon of feeling less than fully productive. As a tech company, we know that there are some pretty sweet gadgets and software programs that can help boost your productivity. Here are a few of our suggestions. 

Collaboration Tools 

How often do you need to ask questions to your coworkers, or collaborate on the same documents? If you find your day is taken up with emails and repetitive discussions about a topic to bring everyone into the loop on a project, try using a workplace collaboration tool such as Slack, Trello, or Asana. These communication and management tools can make it easier to keep track of the flow of a project and communicate with other team members either by shooting off a quick message or by sharing docs in one organized location. Connecting with team members in this virtual way can align everyone to a common goal and allow flexibility, especially if some workers are remote. 

Focusing Tools 

Being highly productive means taking full advantage of the time allotted during work hours. If you find that you spend too much time on social media or even online shopping, then installing a focus tool could boost your productivity. Pomodoro timers or website blockers, like the SelfControl extension, are saviors when it comes to getting your focus on.

Time Management Tools 

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have someone keeping track of what sucks away your time during the day? Since a personal assistant is not in the budget for all of us, try using time management tools that can evaluate where your time is spent each day. Try the app Rescue Time. It will send you weekly reports to indicate what things are stealing your time. You may be shocked to discover how much time you’re actually wasting.

Allow for Flexibility and Remote Working 

Forbes Online’s research indicates that happier employees are more productive, making the move away from a traditional 9-5 day one of the best productivity-boosters a business can make. In addition, experts project that by 2020, 50% of the entire workforce will be working remotely one way or another. According to a survey from Tiny Pulse, companies that are “seeking to boost employee productivity should pursue mobile strategies that support the ability to work anywhere at any time.”

Does your workplace need a boost in productivity? Need help choosing the right tech to make it happen. Contact M&H Consults online or at 1.866.964.8324. 

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