How Could AI Impact Your Business? 

September 5, 2019 11:17 am

After movies like I, Robot, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, and an old classic like War Games, it is no wonder that people are a bit wary and skeptical about the role that AI could have in our work lives. Chances are pretty slim that robots or artificial intelligence will take over the world, but you may be concerned about your corner of the universe – your workplace. Could AI negatively impact your employment? Let’s take a closer look at how AI could impact your business. 

Will AI Lead to Massive Unemployment? 

MIT Economist, David Autor and James Bessen, an economist at Boston University School of Law examined the notion that AI technology would be a harbinger of death for the job market. Both experts concluded, after examining past examples, such as the automation of production during the Industrial Revolution and more recent examples such as automated tellers at banks (ATMs) and found, that in all likelihood, AI will not destroy the human workforce but will rather make redundant, tedious human work easier. Conclusions have also reached that AI will not take over but will work in unison with humans. 

How will AI Positively Impact Businesses? 

Think about the relationship you have with your computer right now. It doesn’t necessarily do your work for you but it certainly makes your job easier, right? Try to think about AI in the same terms. Here are some of the ways that AI is currently making our jobs easier. 

Transforming the Hiring Process 

Not only can AI scan and analyze resumes for keywords to help find the right fit for a specified position, but it can also do some other amazing things to help businesses find the right candidates. According to Spoke online, HR departments, recruiters, and hiring managers are taking advantage of many different types of AI-powered tools to improve the hiring process for everyone involved: Textio uses AI to help recruiters and hiring managers write more compelling job descriptions. Montage uses AI to let candidates schedule their own interviews with all necessary people. Stella and Koru use AI to do a better job of matching candidates to jobs. They use tools to track the types of credentials, qualities, and experiences that both employers and employees are looking for, then they use that data to recommend ideal matches.

Improving Employee Training 

AI is already improving the employee training experience by studying the specific learning patterns of each student. Chatbots facilitate training, and the company benefits by having employees who are always on top of the latest software, tools, and strategies to do their jobs well.

Improving Onboarding 

AI coaching tools can help train new employees based on certain parameters designed by your company’s needs. For example, Chorus is a great example of this technology. It analyzes sales calls while they happen, offering tips to help sales reps manage the cadence of meetings and use the most effective messaging. It also records all sales calls and compiles statistics for each sales rep, providing everyone with the tools they need to help them close more deals and conduct more effective calls.

Discovering Fraud 

Next time you get a computer call from your bank asking you to get in touch with your credit card customer service support, realize that it was probably AI that noticed strange spending. It might just be you buying a tv on a whim, but AI may have just stopped a fraudulent charge from showing up on your bill. 

Do you have questions about AI? Contact our specialists or drop a question in the comments. 

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