Data Backup: New and Improved

March 2, 2016 1:15 pm

Rob Demers

One of the most important things for any business utilizing computer technology is having a current, working, reliable, and regularly tested backup of their critical data. For the SMB market, years ago this was limited to on-site backup using a tape
or cartridge rotation. Over the past five to seven years, online backups have become more and more accessible as the associated costs have lowered, bringing that as either a single solution or as a supplement to the current on-site backup. Now and over the past few years a more comprehensive has also become reachable by the small business sector: off-site image backups that can be brought online to be used while on-site hardware is worked on in the event of a failure.

This sort of technology has been around for a bit, however, it was cost prohibitive
for a lot of small businesses. Costs associated with this started in the low to mid figure mark for entry level devices. Currently there are services a business can subscribe to which will allow for a device to be put on the network and back up one or more servers or computers and provide both local backup for fast data retrieval and also a cloud based backup. One of the great features of this cloud based backup is that it can be activated if needed to act as a virtual clone of the backed up on-site server or computer. This can be a great benefit to any company that relies on data stored on site. As an example, if a server were to go down, naturally it cannot be accessed locally. While it is being worked on, employees could be unable to perform critical business operations, dramatically reducing their productivity, or in a worse case bringing the business to a halt altogether. Depending on the severity of the problem with the server or computer, this could last for days while hardware is being fixed or purchased, software re-configured if necessary, etc. With the ability to have a virtual copy turned on in the cloud and then some configuration in the office, this could be reduced to as little as a few hours or less. There are also options to have an on-site device capable of this same thing, which increases speed and reduces the downtime even further, and can be activated remotely – even using an app on your smartphone! The best part? These services can
cost as little as $100 a month (depending on level of services desired and amount
of data to be backed up)!

data backup

If a product or service like this sounds interesting and further information is needed, please do not hesitate to reach out to us here at M&H Consulting. Call 866-9MH-TECH (866-964-8324) or e-mail

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