Cyber Security Trends for 2019

December 19, 2018 11:28 am

While no one has a crystal ball to look into the future and see all the threats out there, some cyber threats can be seen looming on the horizon. Experts in the tech world know that security threats are evolving and becoming more sophisticated each year. Hackers are getting smarter and learning from the mistakes of others. Fortunately, for every malicious piece of code, there are a fleet of security experts who are fighting back and finding new ways to stop the damage. Read on to find out what the trends are for 2019 and what lies ahead for those of us on the front lines of this battle.

AI on Both Sides

Artificial Intelligence is the future of both cyber solutions to security issues as well as part of the problem. Just as security experts make use of this new tech to tighten security, the “bad guys” gain access to the same tools but for malicious reasons. Just like a chess game, as one side makes a move the other will make an equal or more powerful countermove. Watch AI solutions on the horizon in 2019 as tech companies get more savvy about protecting their data and hardware.

A Rise in Biometrics

Even small devices like iPhones and tablets have already begun to require face ID to unlock the device. With each year, we are seeing more of this evolution, from punching in a password to biometrics that require a personal identifier to operate the tech.  

Multi-Factor Authentication Will Become Routine

A prediction from CSO online states, “Though far from a perfect solution, most websites and online services will abandon password-only access and offer additional required or optional authentication methods. For a while, the different forms of multi-factor authentication will likely confuse and frustrate users.” Only using a password to authenticate a viewer is leaving many companies open to phishing attacks. Multi-factor authentication is yet another layer of security to watch for in 2019.

Cyber Warfare Rules

Given the hacking by nations around the globe into each other’s elections, nuclear capabilities, and intelligence data, be on the lookout for rules to emerge about cyber warfare. Americans have just begun to scratch the surface on the damage that outside influencers can do when it comes to social media, election fraud, and influencing election results.


Visit our blog in the new year to see how these trends develop and evolve. As always, call M&H Consulting at 1-866 964-8324 or visit our website.


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