Cleaning and Caring for Your Technology

June 1, 2018 4:28 pm

cleaning keyboard w brush

If you have a laptop, computer, tablet, phone, or camera, you want to be sure you’re taking care of your devices by properly cleaning them to ensure health and longevity. If you use these devices for work or other non-personal matters, you definitely want to be sure you’re taking extreme precautions. Read on for protection, safety, and cleaning tips that are applicable to all of your technological devices.

Computer and laptop keyboards and mice can get really dirty really easily. The dust falls in between the keys, and fingerprints stain everything, especially with touch screen devices.

wipes and cleaning

Sanitizer wipes and soft bristle brushes are made to clean and care for tech devices. They’re easy to keep with you and convenient whenever you need them. It may seem like a silly accessory to keep on you, but a plush wiping cloth or even a pressurized air tool can be the best things for you to keep in your tech bag. They’re a small and easy addition to keep in your bag, and the next time you have an emergency, you’ll be happy you had them.  

Cases and bags are extremely important in caring for technology. When we say cases, we don’t mean just a design or a skin to slip on the outside of your laptop or tablet for looks. Instead, we mean a durable, safe, and soft sleeve in which to store your tablets and laptops. Bags and cases keep dust from getting in, and keep all of the little pieces in one spot.

Securing your devices in a strapped and tightly-secured in a bag is a promising practice of storage and transportation. The bags are designed with straps to hold in all your cords, lenses, and accessories tightly so they don’t fall out with motion.

laptop case and bag with accessories

When you first get new technology, it’s best to get a bag or case as soon as possible after your purchase. This limits the possibility of damaging things right from the beginning. Use the general rule of thumb: when you take something out, always secure it back where it belongs completely when you’re finished.

These tips can help you keep your expensive and fragile technology organized. Lessen the possibility of damaging your gear by keeping things clean and safe. M&H consulting can answer questions about your technological devices.

M&H Consulting, LLC offers professional IT consulting & support for small- and medium-size businesses in the Boston and surrounding New England areas. We are based in Natick, Massachusetts, and offer full-service technical support and development focused on all the technical needs of the small business. Contact M&H Consulting for questions about your technology at (866) 964-8324.

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