Cautions to take in Computer Hacking

May 31, 2017 1:15 am

Computer hacking can occur at the worst of times and when we least expect it. The worse of it being that once the hacking has occurred, you can never undo the damage that’s been done. However, you can take steps to prevent it. Follow along to find out how you can prevent a malicious cyber-attack.

  • SSL – Secure Socket Lockets are the next best thing when it comes to online security. Using an encrypted SSl protocol helps to prevent information being read in transit or gain access without the proper authority. For example, it can help safely transfer users’ personal information between a website and your database, without anyone else seeing it.
  • Updates – Updates are made because it is necessary to maintain the softwares functioning properly, and maintain all its security protocols. If an update is made for a phone, for example, it could be because of a security vulnerability. Delaying this will only expose you to attacks, which is what hackers are looking for.
  • Tighten network security – Doing simple and basic things such as changing passwords frequently, ensuring passwords are strong, as well as making sure all plugged into the network are scanned for malware each time they are attached can make a great difference. This can also apply to installing a web application firewall. A WAF can be software or hardware based, and its purpose is to fit between a website server and the data connection and read every data passing through it.
  • Remove autofill – Leaving autofill enabled on websites, can leave you vulnerable to attacks from any user’s phone or computer that has been stolen. With your information already plugged in and accessible, it is easy for hackers to steal it.
  • Back-up frequently – It is vital to ensure that everything is backed up. Whether it is weekly, daily, or 10 times a day in total, back everything up. From saving files, sharing docs, everything should be backed up. If the worst case scenario were to happen, it is important to backup in case one hard drive fails, etc.

With these helpful tips, you’ll be taking the right precautions to limit your chance of a cyberattack.


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