Business Technology Strategy for 2019

January 2, 2019 8:44 am

With the dawn of the new year, many savvy business leaders use this time to reflect on the success of last year’s business plan. Whether your business is big or small, you will probably be thinking about how you will continue to grow in the new year and how you can improve certain aspects of your business. An effective technology strategy is an integral part of growing your business. The hardware, software, network, security and applications you use can help get you to where you want to be in the next year. Let’s take a closer look at your business technology strategy.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Does the technology support or discourage business initiative? For example, do employees deal with IT issues that impact the efficiency and functionality of the business? A possible solution in the new year may be having a technology seminar where employees are able to talk about what works and what does not work when it comes to the technology in the office, or devices used outside with clients. Employee training on programs and a quick update on the latest security threats can only strengthen your business. A guide to how to get immediate tech support can help keep the business moving and avoid downtime.
  2. Do you have a short and long-term technology strategy? For example, what hardware will need to be replaced in the next few years and what software will need to be renewed? Knowing in advance can help you budget and prepare your employees for the changes coming.
  3. What is your technology budget? Do you have a strong IT department or do you only need an IT specialist? Does this need to change as your company has grown? Review your budget for IT and see where savings can be made over the next year.
  4. Do you have a plan for tech changes and implementations? As the innovations evolve, you need to keep your employees informed about what major changes may be taking place in your office. This should include backup strategies, disaster recovery plans, new networks, security safeguards and training for the use of new tech.


Do you have questions about your business technology strategy? Call M&H Consulting at 1-866 964-8324 or visit our website.


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