Budgeting for IT Support

December 10, 2018 12:27 pm

When it comes to outsourcing IT support and creating a budget, business owners ask themselves many questions. They ask, “how much does it cost for IT support?” or, “how much should I be spending?” The best IT support is not distinguished by a price, meaning the most expensive consultant doesn’t necessarily mean they will deliver the best quality of support.


desktop computer screen


Budgeting for IT support is different for everyone because everyone has different IT needs. How much of your business is automated? Are you backing up your data? Do you constantly find yourself and your employees needing computer support? Do you have a specific industry requirement, program, or platform you must use? If so, you need to get all the information possible before inquiring about the price of IT services and making a realistic budget.

Consider the importance of technology in your business with all of these factors combined. If you were to lose your data, or if you were unable to work your computer, how detrimental would this be? These are the questions that will get you closer to deciding on a budget for IT support. Think of your employees and their productivity as well. Are you offering efficient, easy-to-use technology that’s not outdated? Is it easy for them to get their work done? Do they enjoy the technology they use?


Budgeting on computer


Think about your future as well. What will you need support within the future? Down the road, will you know how to update, regularly check, and clean out your devices?

Remember, every business needs IT support of some kind and to some extent. But your level of involvement with your IT consultant will directly depend on your business. When clients call and explain that they have some phones, emails, and a server, this is not enough for us to be able to tell you the price of IT support. When you decide the areas of your business in which you need support, you can then budget for outsourcing those needs and set a realistic amount for spending.

We hope this blog helps business owners consider the many details of budgeting. The M&H team will handle any technology request you have for every and all aspects of IT support and computer support. Contact M&H Consulting at 1-866 964-8324.

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