Backing Up & Saving Business Data

August 25, 2019 10:36 am

Backing up your important documents, files, and photos throughout your work day is important to your success. When you’re constantly ensuring your data is backed up and saved, you have little to worry about. Backing up allows for easy access when you need your data/business information as its compiled in one known place. This allows for safe and secure business practices. People in your business are able to collaborate more easily, and your data will be securely encrypted in storage. 

Network infrastructure

Let’s take a look at the types of backups and locations where you can back up your information. 

Local Backups:

A local backup could include backing up critical files into zip drives, external hard drives, or USB Flash drives. Though you may think a USB is somewhat outdated, is a safe and simple way to get information on the go. These backups are fast and easily accessible. 

Cloud Backups:

The cloud is a digital version of storage, and this type of backup can be accessed from anywhere and often by multiple computers. The data is often stored in a secure online location that is accessible with a password you create. Cloud Backups can also occur in real time. Depending on the type and scope of the backup needed will determine the cost. There are a few different types of cloud storage systems, and M&H Consulting can help you with cloud computing as necessary for your business. 

What Type of Backup is Right for My Business?

Full Backup:

The most basic and complete type of backup is a full backup. As the name implies, this type of backup makes a copy of all data to another set. This data can be in the form of video, images, documents, spreadsheets, etc. The primary advantage to performing a full backup during every operation is to ensure a complete copy of all data safely and efficiently. 

Incremental Backup:

An incremental backup operation will result in copying only the data that has changed since the last backup operation of any type.

Differential Backup:

A differential backup operation is similar to an incremental the first time it is performed, in that it will copy all the data changed from the previous backup. However, each time it is run afterward, it will continue to copy all data changed since the previous full backup.

Grow your business without funding capital expenditures for IT infrastructure. Outsource the maintenance of these systems and reduce your total cost of ownership. As your computing requirements change, Cloud Services will upgrade existing virtual hardware configurations and operating systems. You’re easily able to work from anywhere, and it’s easy to bring your current platform to the cloud. We can help you build a new solution that fits your needs, and help you eliminate downtime completely. If it’s time for your business to go paperless and take the “greener approach,” reach out to our staff at M&H Consulting today. 

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