10 Ways to Prevent Germs from Spreading in the Workplace

October 22, 2019 10:57 am

Have you noticed the temperature starting to drop? Yes, fall is here and soon it will be winter, all of which means one thing: flu season. 

While the season is young, it’s time we start preparing ourselves for the flu virus and the infectious diseases that like to run rife during the colder months.

Working in an office, flu activity can never be stopped completely, but there are plenty of ways to prevent the spread of germs…

Flu vaccines

The easiest way you can reduce your risk of getting the flu is to get an annual flu shot, which is available through many drug stores and health centers (search for vaccines in your area). 

Some workplaces will even offer a flu vaccine clinic within their office. If this is a viable option for your business, it’s a brilliant benefit to offer your employees.

Keep your desk clean and tidy

Regularly wipe down your keyboard, mouse, monitor, and desk with disinfectant wipes or antibacterial spray and paper towels so that germs don’t have a chance to thrive. 

Cover your mouth

Coughing and sneezing are inevitable when colds and flu are flying around, and covering your mouth is a must. It’s best that you cough or sneeze in a tissue, but if you do find yourself using your hands, remember to use some antibacterial gel right after.

Wash your hands regularly

Hand gel is a modern miracle – it makes washing your hands so easy and isn’t as drying as using water every time, especially if you get a gel that’s moisturizing. Of course, there are times when you do need to give your hands a good scrub with antibacterial soap and hot water, for example when you cook or go to the bathroom. In these situations, it’s crucial that you’re cleaning them properly between your fingers and under your nails.

Stay at home

There are times when all the disease control and prevention in the world still can’t stop the virus from infiltrating your immune system. If this is the case, you must accept that staying at home is the best thing for everyone. 

You may think you’re helping by still going into the office when you’re sick, but the reality is you’re just increasing the risk of more people getting ill. With air conditioning, heating, static air, and lots of bodies, offices are a breeding ground for influenza viruses.

Keep yourself to yourself

The first three days of contracting the flu is when you’re at the highest risk of giving it to others, so ideally you would stay at home for this stage. However, when you return to the work environment, you should still keep your distance from your coworkers as a precaution. 

Get a flu prevention poster for the office

Although it’s great you’re taking the time to read this guide, it’s not going to make much difference unless everyone in your workplace takes the same steps. Why not hold a quick meeting with your team or find a flu prevention poster? That way you have a greater chance of stopping the flu from spreading to all of your employees.

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